How To Change URL in News Portal?-2023


How To Change URL in News Portal?: Are you new to the news portal? Did you know what exactly the URL means? Well, if you are looking for answers for it then you are at the right place. Today, in this article we will learn about what a URL is and it;’s different components of a URL. Moreover, how to change URLs in news portals is also a part of this article. Let’s learn something new!

How To Change URL in News Portal?
How To Change URL in News Portal?

What is a URL?

A URL is the address of a particular website, page, or file on the Internet; URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. Each URL consists of several components, and how you construct them will affect the safety and optimization of your news website (SEO).

How To Change URL in News Portal?
How To Change URL in News Portal?

An online resource, such as a file or programme, can be found using a Uniform Resource Locator (URL), a predetermined address. Users can recognise it by the string of text that appears in the address bar of each online page or that directs them to another internet location. 

Different Components of a URL

If you are new to wordpress and latching your news portal you should know about the basic details of it. Different components of a URL are a major part of it. Let’s explore these in brief.

How To Change URL in News Portal?
How To Change URL in News Portal?

The protocol, domain, path, and query are the four major components of URLs.

Let’s take a deeper look at the various URL parts:


The protocol or schemes of a URL indicate the technique that will be utilized for data transmission or exchange. The most well-known protocol for sending HTML files is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). 

  • The protocol outlines sending and receiving data between your browser and a website’s server. 
  • In other words, the initial mechanism makes a URL functional. 
  • Most websites have historically utilized the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which is still widely used online.

Example: https:// is the URL’s secure protocol.


A URL’s domain or hostname is a more user-friendly expression of a website’s Internet Protocol (IP) address. It designates the place of the host server for the website.

  • It pays to take time to choose the domain name you’ll use when establishing a new news portal.
  •  It should be distinct and memorable while also being straightforward to recall.

For Example:


The path that appears in a URL after the domain name directs users to a particular file or other resource location. It may also contain a query string. The routes for your URLs can be designed in various ways if you utilize WordPress, which gives you a lot of flexibility.

  • Using WordPress, you can modify your “permalinks” or the unique links to each web page and post. 
  • In your dashboard, click Settings > Permalinks to access this option.

For example, URL as /category-A/subcategory-A1/model-123.html.


Internal searches usually use the query string, sometimes referred to as a fragment identifier, frequently followed by a question mark (?).

For Example:

Tips for making your URLs more effective and user-friendly

URLs are important for two reasons: first, they facilitate organizing and finding content online, and second, they specify a news portal URL structure. Additionally, it’s critical to have a proper URL structure for a user-friendly news portal experience and high search engine rankings.

How To Change URL in News Portal?
How To Change URL in News Portal?

A news portal with a proper URL structure is simpler for the audience to navigate. URLs are one of the elements that search engines consider when ranking websites based on their performance.

You will rank higher in search engine results webpages if your URLs are better or more relevant and condensed (SERPs). Therefore, ensure your URLs are as effective as possible if you want to increase the SEO of your news portal.

Here are some pointers for creating effective and user-friendly URLs:

  • Use subfolders to classify your material and create a sensible URL structure. There are various methods for doing this.
  • Keep your URLs brief and simple. A URL with fewer letters is easier to remember and type.
  • In your URL, try to avoid using special characters. Use only common characters that won’t lead to misunderstanding if you must add special characters in your URL.
  • Use hyphens instead of spaces (-). Unlike underscores (_), they are friendly to users and search engines.

Should you change your News Articles URLs?

Changes to URLs are always possible, but doing so could lead to user and search engine confusion. This is why having a solid URL structure is crucial. A proper URL structure increases the likelihood that you will never have to update your URLs again. But even with a solid URL structure, there may still be instances where you need to modify a page’s URL. That is completely ok.

  • 301 redirects are also beneficial to SEO of news portal. It will minimize your loss in ranks for that page by transferring value from the old to the new URL. 
  • A 301 redirect should always be used when changing URLs. 
  • As a result, people who enter the outdated URL will be forwarded to the updated one and land on the updated page. 
  • Users won’t find what they’re looking for if you don’t do this because they’ll land on a 404 page.

How To Change URL in News Portal?

Making a user-friendly slug for your URL is a fantastic improvement method. A slug is a part of a URL that contains the post or page title after the domain name. If you want to change the URL in news portal, them follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Login into your news portal dashboard.

How To Change URL in News Portal?
How To Change URL in News Portal?

Step 2: Go to the post section and click the editing screen.

How To Change URL in News Portal?
How To Change URL in News Portal?

Step 3: Select the post to which you want to change the link.

How To Change URL in News Portal?
How To Change URL in News Portal?

Step 4: Click on the “Quick edit”

How To Change URL in News Portal?
How To Change URL in News Portal?

Step 5: Change the URL.

How To Change URL in News Portal?
How To Change URL in News Portal?

Step 6: Click Update and you get your new URL.

How To Change URL in News Portal?
How To Change URL in News Portal?

So we have discussed about How To Change URL in News Portal? Therefore, we hope you will get all the important information regarding the URL and you understand what is URL? 7k Network is one the right platforms where you will get all kinds of important information related to your news portal.

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