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How to Earn from Your Online News Portal?

Digitalization has substantially affected the news industry. With the emergence of technological developments, news portals are gaining immense popularity. People are looking at the digital news industry as one of the most profitable sources to obtain sizeable income. News portal earning is a growing sector that allows content creators, journalists, and media companies to generate revenue through various strategies. 

And the good news is, you can rely on the digital news industry for the same. You can consider starting a news website or portal to serve people with the latest information.

You always have room for growth in the digital world, all you need is the right strategy. Do you know, how can you make money from your news portal?

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News Portal Earning


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Earning Money from a News Portal

There are different ways to obtain money from a news portal. By providing high-quality content you can earn money from a news portal. Work with your team and come out with the best editorial style. Advertisements could be cited as a great source of collecting pennies. Display the ads of the local businesses and then charge.

Pay-per-click is another technique of making money. You are paid based on the number of clicks. Selling subscriptions is another method of earning money from a news portal. You have to provide premium quality content to induce people to buy the subscriptions. You can consider hosting live events. Live events are gaining high prominence these days.

You can also go for publishing paid articles on your news portals. Displaying traditional banner ads can also fetch money. This is one of the oldest techniques of generating income through news websites. Making use of other tools like AdSense, Taboola can also help.

There are different ways of earning money from the news portal. But if you are finding any difficulty in searching for the right tool. Get connected with a 7k network now. 7k network is a one-stop solution for the digital news industry. Right from developing your news portal to guiding you in selecting the right tools for earning money from a news website, we have answers to all your questions.

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List of services we provide

  1. Display of traditional banner ads- The great way to make money through the news portal is by displaying traditional banner ads. We add the feature of displaying ads on your news portal. By offering ad-free access through a small fee or subscription can help you in making money. This is one of the best ways to make money from a news portal.

  2. Pay-per-click- Using the pay-per-click method of making money from your news portal could be a great option if you have just started a news portal. You can generate money on the number of clicks an advertisement receives through your website.

  3. Paywall- Several existing news portals are using this method of making money from the news portal. You can charge a subscription fee for providing the access to your content to the users. This could happen only if you offer good content. We provide effective, informative, and promising content and add this feature to your website. 

  4. Finding influencers- Influencer marketing has become a trend. You can always promote your news portal through influencers. These influencers talk about your platform and help you in gaining the right traffic. 7K network can help you in finding reliable influencers to promote your news portal.

  5. Hosting live events- Hosting live events are becoming a substantial source of generating income for online publishers. We provide you with the features that support live events on your news portal. You can conduct community forums or meet-up events. You can make money by selling tickets to the attendees.

  6. Facebook instant articles earning- Facebook instant articles, is a feature of Facebook that is used to collaborate with news and content publishers. This provides a chance for online content publishers to earn money. Also, they take less time to get displayed on the screen, 10 times faster than the website. We provide this feature as it allows you to earn around $1.5- $4 CPM depending on the country. 

How news publishers make money?

Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a great way of monetizing your news portal. Once you open your AdSense account, Google will display targeted ads that are relevant to the content of your news portal or according to users' previous searches. The users will click on those ads and you will be paid for that.


Taboola is the largest discovery platform. Taboola has partnerships with the world's top publishers and serves people by recommendations. It helps in reaching the advertisers to their right audience with native ads. The user will find your content while discovering and this can provoke them to visit your site and if they got impressed, they can even take subscriptions.


AdMob is another method of generating money through ads. It matches the ads to your news portal as per the defined criteria. These ads are made and paid for by the advertisers who want to promote their products through a platform.

Do you want a flawless News Portal to make money?

  • Are you fascinated with the idea of starting a news portal? Do you want to develop an effective news portal to earn money? Then get connected with the 7k network now. 7K network provides all the services associated with the news portal or news website development. We build a flawless news portal and the required features for it. We also guide you in earning money from the news portal. We develop necessary software that allows your portal to sell subscriptions and display ads, which is the greatest source of generating revenue for a news portal or news website.
  • We provide news portal development and redesigning services at affordable prices. 7k network is highly prominent for premium quality services. We have a team of professionals that offer world-class facilities. The quality of content we provide is amazing. And good content can help you in earning money from the news portal. New publishers often get baffled while choosing the best methods of earning money through the news portal. You don’t have to worry about it, as you have made the perfect click. 7K network can help you in choosing the right methods at the right stage to earn money from the news portal.
  • We have the latest technologies and specialized staff. We aim towards providing customer satisfaction and thus provide customized features on the news portal. We also provide 24*7 technical support to our clients. Start your journey of becoming the best online publisher with a 7k network today.

Why 7k Network?

  • Effective content- You can earn from a news portal if you offer effective and convincing content. 7K network holds prominence providing premium quality content, that enables you to make more money than your competitors.
  • High quality- We believe in providing quality. The news portal earning tools we add and suggest works smoothly and display the quality of the services we provide cost-effectively.
  • Technical Support- 24*7 technical support is a must to run a news portal. You can make money only if you have unending, high-quality technical support. 7k network provides 24*7 technical support for your news portal to run smoothly.
  • Expert Solution- You can make money from a news portal using several methods. But you need to find your perfect way. 7K network provides the best solutions and guides you in choosing the right methods of making money from the news portal.

How do 7k network monetize news website, ad mob approval and YouTube monetization?

  • 7K network has the latest technology and specialized staff to serve the online publishers. We can monetize your news website using different techniques. The common techniques of monetizing a news portal or website includes, the display of traditional ads. We find the businesses that want to promote their services and display their ads on your news portal to get payments. We also add a feature that supports the selling of subscriptions to generate money. If you are a beginner, Pay-per-click is also a great option to earn money from your news portal.
  • Another method of earning revenue from the news website is AdMob Approval. We also develop apps for your news websites. Google AdMob allows us to display ads on those apps to generate income in the same way. Advertisers get a chance to promote their products and news apps can make money from them. It is a win for all. We also provide a YouTube monetization facility. We locate your company in AdSense, and it plays ads at any moment in the video. Every time a user watches the full ad you get paid. This is a decent and profitable method of earning from a news portal or website.